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# 名称 类别 协议 用户 余额
1 Livepeer 社交 ETH 150 -14.77% $82,887.65 $0.00 0.00%
2 Mask Network 社交 ETH 68 1.49% $69,466.95 $0.00 0.00%
3 Ceek 社交 BSC 23 -11.54% $0.00 $0.00 0.00%
4 MAIN 社交 BSC 8 -63.64% $0.00 $0.00 0.00%
5 Mint Club 社交 BSC 6 -53.85% $0.00 $0.00 0.00%
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# 名称 类别 协议 用户 余额 活动

顶级 监控顶级 :protocol 社交 dApp dApp分析

类别中的 Top dApps,在过去 24 小时内按 用户 排名,显示 Livepeer150 用户群排名第一,减少14.77% 提供。 Mask Network 拥有第二大用户数 - 68 用户,Spike1.49%。第三个位置是 Ceek23 用户。

余额过滤顶级 dApps显示,在过去7天期间,Livepeer的资产价值最高 - $82,888.根据抓取到的数据,第二大余额由Mask Network$69,467持有,第三大余额是DLIKE和余额$1,875

Volume 过滤 类别中的 Top dApps 后,Mint Club 显然是 看跌65.98% 减少 & 在过去 30 天内以 $0 的 Volume 位居第一。 NoteOn 的 Volume 为 $0,其次是 0% 改变。在 30 天的时间窗口中,第三个位置是 Novus.One稳定的 $0 Volume。


我们正在收集和分析来自 8.5k+ dApps 的数据,使用 5 区块链协议

作为排名第一的加密货币教育技术平台,我们扫描各种区块链协议,为您提供最大的 dApp 和 NFT 选择。目前,您可以从协议区块链监控 8.5k+ dApps。尽早访问最新和热门的 dApp 和 NFT。使用加密货币追踪器全集确保您在正确的时间跟踪正确的 dApp。







dApp Tracker


用户指标告诉我关于顶级 加密 社交 dApp 的哪些信息?

用户指标通过区块链上的智能合约跟踪 dApp 交易中的唯一源地址。反过来,这让您可以了解 加密 社交 dApp 的流行程度,以及与它相关联的唯一地址数量在任何时间点。

我可以跟踪多个顶级 加密 社交 dApps 吗?

是的 - Crypto Tracker 工具允许您跟踪和关注任意数量的 加密 社交 dApp,无论是该领域的领导者,还是一些鲜为人知的社交去中心化应用程序。它也很简单直观!

如何使用 BitDegree dApp 跟踪器?

The BitDegree dApp Tracker is the #1 tracking platform where you can easily explore, combine and manage thousands of dApps to stay well-informed & always ahead of the game. By incorporating BDG dApp Tracker into your strategies, you're able to set events and event notifications, to react and reach your goals according to real-time market conditions. We not only provide statistical analysis but also historical data and expert insights for more in-depth knowledge. Same as with the BitDegree Cryptocurrency Tracker, all of these resources are 100% free to use.

什么是 dApp?

A dApp is a decentralized application that runs on a P2P network, such as a blockchain, and is fueled by tokens. The main difference between dApps and regular applications is that they eliminate middlemen, meaning no single entity has control over the network. Also, dApps are transparent as data is kept public and smart contracts are open-sourced. This is true no matter if the dApp is a crypto wallet, an exchange platform, or else.

dApp 可以应用在哪里?

dApps can be applied in various online industries, including advertising, gaming, social media, banking, real estate, the Internet of Things, elections & voting, and so much more. The utilization of dApps is almost limitless, and their number continues to grow every day, so it's unclear what more the future will bring. BitDegree's approach makes dApp & other Web3-related information well-accessible and easily understandable for everyone globally.

dApps 的主要好处是什么?

The main benefit of dApps is that they're completely free from the control of any single authority and operate by the logic of smart contracts. This means that no individual, no matter how powerful, can control the dApp after its smart contract is launched into the blockchain. Moreover, a P2P system ensures that decentralized applications continue to run even if significant parts of the network stop operating. dApps communicate with smart contracts that make the functionality and integration of cryptocurrencies effortless.


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